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"Milan Milošević"
D. Bradić-Vuković, P. Matavulj, M. Milošević, G. Mashanovich, "DESIGN AND MODELING OF SILICON-ON-INSULATOR STRIP WAVEGUIDES", 2009 -
Complex-rotation calculations of ionization rates for helium in strong electric field (2018)
N. S. Simonović, M. Z. Milošević, Complex-rotation calculations of ionization rates for helium in strong electric field, Proc. 29th SPIG, Book of Contributed Papers, pp. 27 - 30, 2018 -
Hyperfine Splitting of the Lowest State Energy of Positronium in Strong Electric Field (2020)
M. Z. Milošević, A. Bunjac, D. B. Popović, N. S. Simonović, Hyperfine Splitting of the Lowest State Energy of Positronium in Strong Electric Field, Proc. 30th SPIG, Book of Contributed Papers, pp. 51 - 54, 2020 -
Hyperfine splitting and lifetime of the positronium lowest level in a strong electric field (2021-01)
M. Milošević, A. Bunjac, D. Popović, N. Simonović, Hyperfine splitting and lifetime of the positronium lowest level in a strong electric field, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B: ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 54, No. 035001, pp. 1 - 7, Jan, 2021 -
Calculations of rates for strong-field ionization of alkali-metal atoms in the quasistatic regime (2015-02)
M. Z. Milošević, N. S. Simonović, Calculations of rates for strong-field ionization of alkali-metal atoms in the quasistatic regime, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 91, No. 2, pp. 023424-1 - 023424-12, Feb, 2015 -
Single-electron description of the strong-field electron detachment of hydrogen negative ion (2016)
M. Z. Milošević, N. S. Simonović, Single-electron description of the strong-field electron detachment of hydrogen negative ion, Facta Universitatis. Physics, Chemistry and Technology , Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 27 - 36, 2016 -
Over-the-barrier electron detachment in the hydrogen negative ion (2016-08)
M. Z. Milošević, N. S. Simonović, Over-the-barrier electron detachment in the hydrogen negative ion, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B: ATOMIC, MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 49, No. 17, pp. 175001-1 - 175001-6, Aug, 2016 -
Complex-rotation and wave-packet calculations of the ionization rate for hydrogen atom in electric field (2014)
M. Z. Milošević, N. S. Simonović, Complex-rotation and wave-packet calculations of the ionization rate for hydrogen atom in electric field, Proc. 27th SPIG, Book of Contributed Papers, pp. 22 - 25, 2014 -
Calculations of ionization rates for alkali-metal atoms in electric field (2016)
M. Z. Milošević, N. S. Simonović, Calculations of ionization rates for alkali-metal atoms in electric field, Proc. 28th SPIG, Book of Contributed Papers, pp. 43 - 46, 2016 -
Calculations of electron detachment rates in the hydrogen negative ion in electric field (2016)
M. Z. Milošević, N. S. Simonović, Calculations of electron detachment rates in the hydrogen negative ion in electric field, Proc. 28th SPIG, Book of Contributed Papers, pp. 47 - 50, 2016 -
Обавјештајне и безбједносне службе (2023)
М. Милошевић, С. Мијалковић, P. Ćeranić, Обавјештајне и безбједносне службе, Факултет безбједносних наука, 2023 -
Сличности и разлике између обавештајне делатности обавештајних служби и обавештајног деловања терористичких организација (2011-01)
С. Мијалковић, М. Милошевић, G. Amidžić, Сличности и разлике између обавештајне делатности обавештајних служби и обавештајног деловања терористичких организација, БЕЗБЈЕДНОСТ, ПОЛИЦИЈА, ГРАЂАНИ, No. 1-2/11, Jan, 2011